SiX GrEaT PhoTo TiPs
- Naming photo files: In general, when you use numbers you can automatically sort the files in order, where dates written out won’t sort.
- Photographing moving people: Try following them with the camera so you actually move the camera with them. Take the shot as you move and keep moving until it’s all done. That way you should get the person nicely sharp and the background nicely blurred.
- Be wary of deleting images in the camera. Something that looks like it’s a terrible shot in the camera, when opened may have some artistic merit. If you’re interested in the artistic possibilities, I’d wait and cull on the larger computer screen where you can more accurately assess what sort of shot you have.
- View pictures, don’t save: Every time you save a file as a JPEG format image, you permanently lose some quality. Just opening and viewing it doesn’t do that, but saving will compromise quality.
- Best size for e-mailing photos: For e-mailing, I suggest 800 x 600 is the best maximum size. For printing, you need a lot more image. I like to resize the image to a resolution of 300 dpi and then adjust the size in inches to the final print size. Your photo software will have a tool for resizing images.
- Photo backups: When you downsize a photo you’re going to permanently lose that data so consider using CDs or DVDs to back up your photos. When you do that, make a couple of copies to CD or DVD just in case a disk fails. Also, buy good quality disks from a reputable manufacturer.
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